Term Life Express 15, 20, 30

mutual of omaha

Simple & quick process for purchasing life insurance.

Term Life Express helps give your clients peace of mind in knowing that money will be available to help protect their family’s lifestyle and help pay off the mortgage if they die or help make mortgage payments if they suffer a disability.

Term Life Express is simple to apply for insurance with quick underwriting (as short as three days) so they receive their policy faster.

mutual of omaha

Term Life Express offers:

– Face amounts of $25,000 to $300,000  (ages 18-50)
  Face Amounts of $25,000 to $250,000  (ages 51-65)

– A simple underwriting process

Accelerated death benefit
This rider pays 92 percent of the death benefit in a lump-sum if they provide evidence that their life expectancy is 24 months or less. Once the benefit is paid out, the policy will be terminated.

Unemployment provision
In CA, IN, MT, NJ, SC and VT: Waiver of Premium For Unemployment Rider
In the event of unemployment, monthly base premiums and riders are waived for one six-month period.

Residential damage rider
If a primary residence sustains $25,000 or more of damage, the monthly base premiums and rider premiums are waived for one six-month period.

Common carrier death benefit provision
If they should die in an accident while a fare-paying passenger on a common carrier (e.g., airplane, train, bus), this provision provides for an additional death benefit equal to 100 percent of the original face amount, or $250,000 whichever is less.

– Disability income coverage (not available on Return-of-Premium products)

– Dependent children’s coverage

– Disability waiver of premium

– Accidental death coverage

Product Details

Term Periods:

15, 20, 30 years

Five-Year Guarantee (premium is guaranteed for the first 5 policy years)

20-year Level Term

30-year Level Term

Full Guarantee (premium is guaranteed for the entire term)

15-year Level Term

20-year Level Term

30-year Level Term

Issue Ages:

Issue ages based on age last birthday*:

With ROP
With ROP

* Maximum issue ages can vary by product and state.

Available Riders:

No Cost riders must be selected in application to receive benefit

Waiver of Premium for Unemployment (No Cost)
Accelerated Deat Benefit (No Cost)
Residential Damage Waiver of Preimum (No Cost)
Common Carrier Death Benefit (No Cost)

Return of Premium (Additional Cost)
Disabilkity Income (Additional Cost)
Disability Wavier of Premium (Additiona Cost)
Accidental Death Benefit (Additional Cost)

Issue Amounts:$25,000 – $300,000 (no oral swab required)
Policy Fee:$60
Underwriting Classes:Standard (simplified issue)
Applications & Forms:

iPipeline Download (applications/forms/etc)

Illustration Software:

 Winflex Illustration Software (Download)

 Mobile Quotes Now


  Product Guide

  Underwriting Guidelines

 Express SI Underwriting Guide


Contact an Underwriter: (800) 775-7896

The MoO underwriting team wants to get your business issued quickly. That’s why they provide direct access to their underwriters. Call them to discuss the details of a case and expedite the underwriting process.