Ultra Protector Series


Ultra Protector Series (UPS)

Ultra Protector Series is a portfolio of whole life insurance products designed to help cover the costs associated with funeral and burial expenses, unpaid medical bills, or other financial obligations that your clients’ families may face when they die.


Three products for different situations:

Ultra Protector I – full death benefit

Ultra Protector II – full death benefit

Ultra Protector III – 3-year graded death benefit – guaranteed issue



  • Full death benefit payable for accidental death
  • Guaranteed level premiums
  • Every client can qualify for coverage2
  • Coverage cannot be cancelled because of age or health
  • Face amounts from $2,000 to $30,000
  • Pipe and cigar smokers qualify for non-smoker rates
  • Simple application process – No medical exams3
  • No telephone interview required at point of sale
  • Quick issue – 48 hour turnaround on clean applications
  • Children’s Term and Terminal Illness Accelerated Benefit Riders available on Ultra Protector

(See Agent Guide for full details and exclusions)

Product Details

Issue Ages: UP I  50-85  (non-smoker)   50-80  (smoker) UP II  50-80 UP III  50-75
Issue Amounts: UP I/II  $2000 – $30,000 UP III  $2000 – $10,000
Policy Fee: UP I/II  $40 (commissionable) UP III  $40 (non-commissionable)
Underwriting Classes: UP I  Non-smoker/Smoker (pipe & cigar smokers qualify for ns rates) Male/Female UP II/III  Male/Female
Convertibility: None
Premiums: Full death benefit / 2-year graded / 3-year graded (guaranteed issue)
Optional Riders: Accelerated Benefit Payment Rider included at no additional cost Children’s Term Rider available for $11 per $1,000 annually Accidental Death Benefit
Payment Modes: Annual (1.00) and Monthly PAC (.095)
Training: See Americo Agent Cafe website