ADDvantage Term

Product Details


• Three Non-Tobacco and two Tobacco classifications
• Innovative rate class structure for broader market reach
• 10, 15, 20, and 30-year level premium guarantee periods

Issue Ages:ADDvantage 10: 66-75
ADDvantage 1556-70
ADDvantage 20: 46-65
ADDvantage 30: 21-50
Minimum Face Amount:$100,000
Policy Fee:$65 (non-commissionable)
Rate Bands:

• Band 1:  $100,000.00 – $249,999.99
• Band 2:  $250,000.00 – $499,999.99
• Band 3:  $500,000.00 – $999,999
• Band 4:  $1,000,000 +*
*Maximum subject to availability from reinsurers.

Rate Guarantee Period:• ADDvantage 10:  10 years
• ADDvantage 15:  15 years
• ADDvantage 20:  20 years
• ADDvantage 30:  30 years
Renewability:Plans renewable to age 98
Underwriting Classes:• Super Preferred Non-Tobacco
• Preferred Non-Tobacco
• Standard Non-Tobacco
• Preferred Tobacco
• Standard Tobacco
Waiver of Surrender Charge Option:N/A
Riders Available:

• Accelerated Benefit Endorsement
• Additional Insurance Option
• Children’s Term Insurance Rider
• Monthly Income Endorsement Rider
• Waiver of Premium Rider

Applications & Forms:

iPipeline Download (applications/forms/etc)


 Consumer Brochure

 ADDvantageMarketing Guide