The bakery was okay, but the hours and the pay were not. After 6 months she said to herself, “I cannot stay here” and began looking for a new job. She came across a flyer that seemed exciting – it was a role in sales that offered commissions, training, and a career opportunity.
Maebell accepted the sales position she discovered on that flyer for a cemetery and funeral services company in 2004. She liked helping families through these hard times find the best way to honor and celebrate their loved ones. And, it didn’t take long for others to notice that she had a strong work ethic.
A year passed and she was promoted to assistant manager and managing 15 people … then promoted again the very next year to the manager and managing 90 people. She did this up until 2015. A little fun fact, Maebell met her husband, Jose, while working there (a fellow co-worker).
Years later her husband made a career change to the insurance industry and eventually joined the Unique Writers team. He quickly realized Maebell would be great selling insurance. Over the years Jose would repeatedly tell her, “You would be so good at this” and she politely turned him down every time.
She enjoyed the work she was currently performing, however, the hours proved to be extremely taxing. “I made good money, but I didn’t have a life. I was very busy.”
That all changed in 2015 when she attended the Unique Writers “Gold Rush” conference with her husband. “I immediately fell in love. I said, ‘I want to be a part of this!’”
What stood out to her the most from the conference were the personal stories of Joe and Spencer. “Joe’s story was really moving and touched me where I was at. I didn’t like how I could be fired at any time.” Then, after hearing Spencer speak Maebell said to herself, “I love that you can make good money and have a good life too. If he can do it, I can do it too.”
Immediately following the conference, she began going through the courses to get her insurance license. She was still working at her other job and doing the courses part-time; but 2-3 months later she had her license!
When asked what her experience has been like with Unique Writers, she had this to say, “The team has been awesome. They have helped me a lot. The online University has been so great since I live in Florida – it doesn’t matter if I live in California or not, I have access to these resources wherever I’m at – no matter the time of day.”
Maebell recently passed her 1-year anniversary selling life insurance and definitely made impressive strides. You’ll see her on a regular basis on the National Leader Board – finishing #15 in the country in 2016.
Maebell ended with this, “I absolutely love that they have great leaders and a great system to follow – it’s the packaged deal! I love that you can own your own business, have freedom, time with your family, and go on some really nice [incentive] trips.”
Maebell said that she was a little rusty getting reacquainted with the sales field. But once she jumped back in she said it was really fun. “It’s what I like to do. We don’t just make money … we get to help people too! With insurance, I can help a lot of people with all the products we have available that they need to protect them.”
Doors Will Open
“It doesn’t matter how many doors don’t open for you. What matters is the one that does. If you focus on that you can make $1,000, $2,000 to $3,000 in a week. Do that every week for a year and you can make the money you want to.”
Be Positive
“When you’re positive people are more willing to invite you into their home and buy from you. If you visit 6 people in a day and they don’t open the door for you, you know the next one that does, you can make $2,000 or more. That’s the one that matters. You have to stay positive. It makes all the difference.”
Follow The System
“You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. They (Unique Writers) have a system that works. If you follow it every week and with positivity, you’re going to get paid really well for your hard work.”
She has been married for 8 years and has 2 kids – Camila (4) and Sebastian (5). She credits a lot of her success to “my two amazing parents who helped me a lot.” Maebell is a pro scuba diver and tries to go every vacation. She also added that she has “the best husband a woman can have!”