He was performing exceptionally well and working really hard in this role, but it demanded brutal hours, low wages and an unpredictable schedule. It all took a turn for the worse when the owner of the firm began to go bankrupt and wasn’t able to pay Spencer sufficiently. Spencer was ready for a change.
So when one the UW recruiters reached out to him he set up a time to meet with Mike Passaglia, CEO/President of UW. In that conversation he was impressed by the UW system, the reality of getting to be his own boss, and the income potential that was right there waiting for him. In his words, “I jumped in head first!”
You would think by looking at the Leader Board that he was an instant success, but there was an obstacle preventing that from happening, himself.
Spencer was honest about his first months. He commented that it was really hard; because the entire time he was also looking for other jobs. “Life insurance agent” wasn’t the title he thought he wanted. He said, “I was really doubting it all.” Then something happened after those early months. He realized that if he invested the drive, the energy, and the time he spent complaining and looking for other jobs and put that into UW, how much more successful could he be?
He made a decision to go all in with the UW system and has been making at least $5,000+ per week ever since. Spencer had this to say about his experience, “It has changed my life. I’m a better person for it. I went from having very little to being able to purchase new cars and building a new home. I’m also more outgoing than I was before.”
On one of Spencer’s appointments he met with a couple to discuss a $40,000 final expense policy. The policy was approved within 2 weeks. Upon returning to the home he met with the husband one on one. Spencer inquired of where his wife was to which the husband replied “she’s on vacation … but I don’t think she wants the policy anymore.” Spencer continued to listen and question this sudden change. The husband began to break down and cry. The husband went on to explain that his 50-year old wife was not on vacation but in a coma! She was hit by a car! The husband thought that because his wife couldn’t sign the policy that she wouldn’t be covered. But she was covered and received the full $40,000 that helped him and his daughter through this horrific time. He didn’t pay a dime. Spencer said, “It showed me how important what we’re doing is! It makes a difference. We’re not some ‘car salesmen’. We are helping people plan for their future and helping their loved ones!”
Spencer has talked to a lot of new agents and he would encourage anyone coming on board that consistency and prospecting are 2 very crucial things when you’re in this business. He said, “It’s a numbers game. You could feel like the best or the worst agent out there … you could be having a great week or a horrible one; but if you have more appointments, you will have a much better opportunity. If you’re consistent and prospecting, you’ll win every time!”
He enjoys helping other agents getting started with Unique Writers. He is getting married this September!